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My rat, unconscious, after being dumped into a pail filled with chloroform.
Bio practical. We’re supposed to study about the structure of mammals…
Last week teacher said we’re going to dissect HAMSTER… She somehow got us some rats, one per person…
I covered my rat with more chloroform before opening it up, just to really kill my rat… It will be a nightmare for both of us if he wakes up while I’m removing his testicles…
Poor rat…
Teacher demo-ing the first steps… (Someone didn’t pin his/her rat well…)
This is the last photo of him, intact…
Right after opening up the skin… All organs still in place…
We have to measure the length of the rat’s intestine.
Mine my rat’s intestine is 73cm long… Some others measure up to 1.1 meter… Spaghetti… Yum Yum…
Kacau a lil bit… Finding the hepatic portal vein…
Cut off most of its rib cage to show its beating heart… About one hour since he died… His heart is still beating because the oxygen level still can support his heart… I counted… It is beating 180 bpm… Faster than mine… All the other organs are out of place… Time to dump…