Kuala Lumpur Photography Festival @ Berjaya Times Square
Big bunches of gunners shooting during the model shoot-out contest... This is only less than half of the shooting crowd...

I was at the Ground Floor shooting the crowd when i saw this guy holding a long zoom lens pointing at the model... (Probably aiming for the cleavage... XD)
First Round
I didn't get a nice spot for the first round... All spots were conquered long before the event starts...

So I went behind the side of the stage... The models won't turn this way unless the uncles called out loud, "leng lui turn here!"

They then started promoting Fijifilm cameras...

Hmm... I was praying that her dress will fall when i press the shutter release button... (Jk la...)

D3 beside me shooting...

After the first round we (
Zhan Yang, Soon Chiat and me) went to low yat for duck rice and back to BTS to have some fun with cameras that worth more than twenty thousand...

Jun and me trying out D3...

We then camwhored with a Canon EOS 1Ds Mark III... The photos are with Zhan Yang... Both cameras filled his two 256MB backup CF card with a little more than 10 shots...
Later on the schedule was another model shoot out session... With Amber Chia...

I bet most shooters will see the schedule like that... XD
Second Round
Jen Siow, a photographer gave a brief talk before the shooting session... He mentioned that
every photographer there was filled by passion to shoot girls... I think the passion is driven by testosterone la...

My first shot... Didn't had the settings right and everybody was pushing and pushing and shooting and flashing and blocking...

Amber got burned by flashes...